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9-6-2018 door (jeroen.steen.1)

Omschrijving: For Casey Reas, software is the most natural medium to work with. He uses code to express his thoughts—starting with a sketch, composing it in code, and witnessing the imagery that it ultimately creates. We visit his studio to see how he uses color to convey emotion and how his programming language Processing is closing the gap between software and object. The Creators Project is a partnership between Intel and VICE: http://thecreatorsproject.com/ ** Subscribe to The Creators Project: http://bit.ly/Subscribe_to_TheCreatorsProject Check out our full video catalog: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheCreatorsProject/videos Like The Creators Project on Facebook: http://fb.com/thecreatorsproject Follow The Creators Project on Twitter: http://twitter.com/creatorsproject Read our Tumblr: http://thecreatorsproject.tumblr.com/

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